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Just what the title says, girls who try to act normal but they are masturbating under the table, doesn't matter if it's a staged video but bonus points if it's real, like this one: Creative calm ASMR

Yeah, I know all the hysterical literature videos, but I'm looking for something more sneaky, not an obvious masturbation and orgasm.
damn there's so little material about this specific fetish, i don't know if this counts but here:

It's a JAV, focus on the third scene, the context is that she was given an aphrodisiac in a model photoshoot, she masturbates trying to stay hidden from the photographer saying she's sweaty, she eventually gets caught but not after a few orgasms.

I like this fetish but is so uncommon i have to "scavenge" parts from other videos.
Loopraker commented
Is this staged?
Tapplepants commented
All JAV is staged. You can't make porn without a license there. Very recently they passed a law that videos need to have disclaimers when depicting illegal acts (solicitation, rape, incest) and now from time to time, I'm also seeing 3rd party verification screens that all contracts signed for the shoot are proper.
Was sorting through my files and stumbled upon some content kind of relevant to this thread. This camwhore (babyfaceforever aka babyfacecams) started streaming on chaturbate in 2016. She did some more explicit stuff (as you will see in the link) but I think spent most of her time in the public room just teasing and chatting. She must really love the smell and taste of her pussy because whether a teasing stream or a bate stream, she tries to conceal how she gets pussy juice on her fingers by rubbing it (and/or her toy if she is using one) and then brings it either directly, or after a short moment, up to her face and mouth.

She does this to some extent in most if not all of these videos but the best example is the first one I have titled "Sloppy". She is extremely wet and despite the poor resolution, you can often see a trail between her fingers or between her hand/fingers and face after they touch if you look closely. Maybe it was an inside joke with her top simps or she gets off on the secrecy but at one point, she has it all over the palm of both hands and cups her face, then slowly pulls them away to see how much it stuck.
virgemvandijk commented
Então, eu acompanhava esse canal, foi uma das minhas introduções a punheta. Mas um dia eles pararam de postar e ficam eternamente prometendo uma volta desde então. pode ver que a maioria dos vídeos ta so com "teaser" pq eles deletaram

I used to watch every video, one of my very beginnings at masturbation. But then one day they stopped posting and then kept promising to return one day and it never came. you can see most of the videos are just teaser versions cause the actual episodes got deleted
Loopraker commented
Does anyone have the videos saved?
cityuser123 commented
The channel is gone is there a mirror?
Amass39 commented
I've become a bit attuned to looking for this now and noticed a few tv/movie reactors doing this during their reactions. They could use any hands-free item but I get the sense that they most like to use something like an inner earphone so that the vibration changes according to whatever is happening on screen and really makes those jump scares more impactful. I'm not going to name anybody in case some asshole reports them or they get too much heat and stop but watch some yourself. There are probably others. Look for lower body off cam or covered by something like a blanket. Their hand(s) alternate between on cam/off cam or on screen/off screen. They need to adjust their position quite a bit. Like I mentioned in my post above, they move their hands around a lot, often rubbing hands/fingers together and touching their face and mouth. They sometimes coat up other items (like a portion of the blanket or a cup/mug, etc) and touch it rather than have to get more from their pussy each time.

The secrecy and teasing must turn them on but they want to allude to what they are doing subtlety as well by filling the commentary with double entendre. Creative Calm did this all the time and her youtube videos go to another level when you apply the dirtiest interpretation to the things she is saying and a bit of abstract thinking. Shame her channel hasn't been updated for a few months and she might have quit.
Loopraker commented
Mk5gti commented
Tell me how to find these man!!!
lordbill commented
please dm me if you have any recommendations as well :)
Alny commented
Yeah, so this sounds kind of crazy... Did anyone ever get any names so I can verify it myself? You know, purely for research purposes.
Pretty hot full VOD from "Just Sleeping" twitch girl - RachelCoffeee
She had several VODs before they got deleted, I only managed to save one
Starting from ~50min to ~1h18min
paypay672 commented
Great find my friend. Thanks.
mistake1001 commented
Absolute legend for posting this. She seems to have dropped off the face of the internet. Can't find a single other video, other than one screenshot. Very sad :(
Dragongod090 commented
probably a long shot since this post is old but does anyone have this video with the sound🙏
joesss33 commented
The original video does not have sound.
BlueRay1000 commented
These are great. Excellent find
sorebore2282 commented
The one in the hearts and paw print onsie...😍
Brbank commented
Amazing vid!

Did someone found her @?
dave230 commented
This is amazing omg. Would love a name!
A couple screen recordings of tiktok lives from and bating off-screen

both very hot, for me it's the "getting away with it" aspect that attracts me to this genre. peeks and periscope were goated for shit like this. sadge. if anyone has anything else like this to share please do. just temporary upload on gofile so either download while you can or best just follow them and catch them live yourself.
1 Comment
Noun_DM commented
I managed to catch her live. She was flagged a couple of times beforehand and had to take it „slow“ and shortly before finishing she changed platforms. Nonetheless quite hot

Hart8181 commented
any recordings?
Garrett04 commented
No I didn’t get any recordings but I’m going to try to record some next time I see her
virgemvandijk commented
Not applicable for this thread. No hiding what's going on from the spectator.
Dokalit713 commented
Really???! She's trying to hide it from the whole pub! In that case, this video shouldn't be here either.
emogirl1234567890 on Twitch.

Tries hiding masturbation with a dildo underneath her skirt.


Edit: Found her other more active twitch name "laurunka1". Added a few more vids.
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ssomething433 commented
Damn she needs a thread!
paypay672 commented
Thanks for sharing bro. Hope you have more of her or similar videos.
esa123 commented
any socials?
Garrett04 commented
It should work now
Drhunglo commented
What live streaming platform is that from
KristenH commented
Fantastic share, thanks!
not mine
also goes by badbitchfromla / baddiefromlosangeles / missprincesspeachy
1 Comment
dudededu commented
I mean, I wouldn't even call this "hiding", it's just "not showing"